VideoXpert Enterprise

VideoXpert Enterprise 3.0 hardware and software Scalable video management and surveillance system

VideoXpert is a video management system designed for video surveillance of objects of any size.No matter how many cameras you use – 100 or 10,000-the VideoXpert system is a good choice for displaying, recording video, and managing video resources.At the same time, VideoXpert Enterprise is more than a VMS.It is an enterprise data management system (primarily video data) designed to extract data from any source and link it to other data so that predictive capabilities are available to the client

Product functions:

  • Designed to eliminate single points of failure and ensure reliability through the use of fault-tolerant software, distributed architecture, and multiple levels of redundancy.
  • Provides the ability for scaling and modular expansion.
  • Supports monitor walls, including cell and camera layouts.
  • Provides a seamless transition from VideoXpertTM Professional.
  • Provides transition paths for Endura® and Digital Sentry® systems.
  • Aggregates VMS networks and manages all videos within a single system.
  • Available only as software or hardware to measure performance and ease of migration using the customer's existing hardware
  • Based on Microsoft ® Windows® for easy installation and maintenance
  • The VxPortal web client allows you to view and export videos without installing any software.
  • VxToolbox provides an administration interface with device and system management capabilities.
  • Supports up to 6 monitors per workstation;
  • An independent processor is used to control the operation of each monitor, and a single monitor can display up to 25 threads.
  • To maximize operator control capabilities, workstations are available with accessories such as a three-dimensional mouse and a programmable keyboard.
  • Product features of the Vxportal web client video management system allow you to view and export videos without installing software.
  • VxToolbox provides an administration interface with device and system management capabilities.
  • Supports up to 6 monitors per workstation;
  • An independent processor is used to control the operation of each monitor, and a single monitor can display up to 25 threads.
  • To maximize operator control capabilities, workstations are available with accessories such as a three-dimensional mouse and a programmable keyboard.
  • Product features of the video control system
  • It can be expanded using modules, including mapping modules, overlaying information on video images, and recognizing car license plates

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